Saturday 27 December 2014

The Weight of a pan

         Two pans are similar in shape. They are also of the same thickness. However one of them is eight times more capacious than the other.

       Can you tell how heaver is the bigger one than the other?

Answer:    We must bear in mind that both pans are geometrically similar bodies. Since the bigger pan is eight times more capacious, all its linear measurements must be two times greater, and it must be twice bigger in height and breadth.

                The surface must be 2x2 = 4 times greater, because the surface of similar bodies is to one another as the squares of their liner measurements.

               Since the wall sides of the pens are of the same thickness, the weight of the pen would depend on the size of its surface. Therefore the answer is – 

              The bigger pan is four times heavier.

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